Friday, February 21, 2014

Our child is stealing my brain power

It's official. I'm having an "off day" today. It started early this morning (or late last night) when I couldn't sleep because of unbearable indigestion. Ick…and sorry if that's too much information for you. I don't even think I had heartburn that bad in the first trimester when it was a fairly common occurrence for me.

So as BK slept like a rock in our room, I moved to the couch and tried to get comfortable, dozing off and on until it was time to get up. Both Tanner and Toby came in and joined me at some point; they needed to check things out since something different was happening. Tanner nearly fell off the couch a couple of times, as he doesn't seem to realize that there's not quite as much room for him to snuggle up these days.

I'm sure I had a few more mishaps while getting ready and leaving the apartment to walk BK to work. We made it out the door, dropped him off at work, then continued on our walk. This all works up to the point where I cannot find my phone anywhere, as in, I have no clue where I could have possibly put it.

I realized I didn't have it on our walk when I wanted to text my sisters something. Oops…this is not the first time I've forgotten my phone on one of our walks recently. When I realize that I don't have it, my first thought is that BK is going to worry if I'm out somewhere and he can't get a hold of me, wondering if something has happened. In case something did happen, I typically go into how I would borrow someone else's phone and tell them what was happening- all in German. Awesome.

When I get home, I email BK to see if he has accidentally picked it up. He hasn't. He then proceeds to call it numerous times, at which time I realize the ringer is on silent. Great. People in the US tend to continue to text throughout the night, and so that I don't wake up every time a text comes in, it's on vibrate. I typically forget to turn it back on until I realize that I haven't really communicated with anyone yet today, and oops, it's on silent, which may explain that.

I then proceed to attempt to FaceTime myself numerous times, walking around the apartment straining to hear the vibrating phone…which I can't. I look through the kitchen, unmake the bed, look under the bed, check in the laundry (I just feel like you never know at this point), go through various coat pockets, look under blankets and in between couch cushions, all with no luck.

It finally dawns on me to use the Find my iPhone feature. If you ever find yourself in this situation, don't bother searching high and low, just use this feature on your phone. We have about seven apple devices, all of which were immediately located in our apartment. Luckily the app has a feature where it will make your phone make a sound even if it's on silent. Soon after, I was wandering around the apartment, following the sound to find my phone.

Ultimately, I found the phone in my robe pocket…the obvious place for it. Hopefully my day starts to look up from here. I definitely see a nap in my future.

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