Friday, February 14, 2014

How it feels to learn German

BK and I are headed to Zermatt today with some friends, but first I went to German class this morning. I figured since I only have it two times a week, we could wait and take the noon train so that I wouldn't miss part of the class this week.

In class today we all had a good laugh about what it's like to speak German, as compared to other languages. One of my fellow students shared the video below with us, which we of course, thought was hilarious. We have one person who does not speak any English, but she does speak French, so she got the gist.

You probably won't find this nearly as funny if you're not learning German or around German that much. Here's the link in case the video doesn't show up for some reason (it shows up in my draft, but not in my preview).

The guy in the video is totally over exaggerating, but you get the point.

We're on the train to Zermatt for our last pre-baby getaway! We'll head back Saturday night so that we can make our Planning for Parenthood classes. I'll make sure to fill you in on all happenings from our full weekend!

*Note: I actually finished and posted this blog at the top of one of the mountains in Zermatt. BK and our friends are skiing; I went ahead and rode up with them so that I could take pictures and explore around some up here. I'll head down to meet them for lunch in just a bit. More to come later!

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