Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sending out an untested product

For those of you who have somehow missed this, I really enjoy baking. Since we arrived in Switzerland, baking has been somewhat of a challenge, forcing me to convert all of my American recipes into metric measurements. It's a process.

The funny thing about my baking is that I typically don't eat a lot of what I bake. I like to bake for other people. In the US I would take half of what I baked to my office and send the other half with BK to his office. I also enjoy baking with people. My friend KR and I would often find recipes and give them a try, and typically when BK and I see our niece, HGM, I let her pick out anything she wants to bake and make it with her.

The thing that I've found a little strange in Switzerland is that I haven't just been sticking with the recipes that I know and have baked numerous times. For some reason, I find myself trying all of these new recipes that I find, or ones that someone over here suggests, which is what I did tonight.

One of BK's colleagues knows that I like to bake, and asked me one day if I ever baked cheesecake. She really liked it when she visited the US and had not been able to find anything like it in Europe. So I told her I would make cheesecake soon.

It's not something that I make often, and I especially don't make the kind that you bake in the oven. My mom has a recipe for cheesecake that you just have to let chill in the fridge, which is what I'm much more familiar with. But as I'm always up for a challenge, I decided I was going to bake a cheesecake...and here's how it turned out:

Nothing too overly exciting, but hopefully it's a good, solid cheesecake. I didn't make any toppings to go with it, but only because all of the good fruit that goes on cheesecakes is out of season here, so you either can't get it, or it is extremely expensive. The only other challenge I faced with this was that we don't have graham crackers over here. I used butter cracker/cookie type things as a substitution. When I crushed them up and mixed them with butter and sugar, the crust pretty much looked the same.

The only thing I don't like about making cheesecake? Because it's in a cake form, I am sending out an untested product. I really want to somehow sneak a bite just to make sure it tastes good and is up to the standard that I want, but it doesn't seem that it can be done. My other option is people thinking they got some kind of leftover cheesecake, from which someone has already eaten off of. I can't have that either. Oh well. BK will just have to let me know how it goes over tomorrow. I'll have to let you know.

In case you're interested, here's the recipe I used.

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