Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Christmas craziness (Part I)

Whew! I am finally feeling back to normal. Today was the first day that I have been able to get up at a normal time (7ish) and not totally crash and burn sometime in the late morning or early afternoon. Not to mention, the past few days I've been averaging around 22,000 steps per day (over 10 miles) which took some adjusting back to as well. BK pulled an all-nighter at work last night, so who knows what his sleep will be like now.

Now, on to the fun stuff…our Christmas trip to the US! BK went early for work and was there for three weeks and I joined him one week later for two weeks of festivities. Our schedule was packed full, and, as it should be, was full of family, family, family. In August I made the mistake of over-scheduling us with friends in Fort Worth, leaving my family no time; this time we pretty much just saw family the entire time. I've already told BK that when Baby K arrives and we venture back to the US for the first time with her, I'm going to have to stay for at least three weeks. There's just no other way to see everyone and have quality time together in two weeks. It's a stretch now- I can't imagine adding a baby into that, who at that time, no one but the parents will have met.

So here it goes…highlights from the trip!

This is what ensues when BK is left to his own devices for too long without me there to supervise, especially when it involves one Bobby P. This is one of the tamest pictures they sent me. Bobby P's wife (NP) is also pregnant, about two weeks behind us, and I let the party boys know that after the babies get here they would be on dad duty and NP and I would be out enjoying ourselves like they do!

One of the many texts that I received letting me know I was missed
A tamer BK joined my family for the dedication of Abbs and LJ at church the Sunday before I arrived.
The H family
When true order was restored, and I got into town (just kidding…sort of) we hit the ground running with KRM's 50th birthday that night. Somehow I have no pics of dinner or the fam visiting Sundance Square. I blame it on the fact that BK and I "share" his iPhone when we're both in the US and I don't always have it at my fingertips.

I initially was relieved that Thursday had arrived, as I had no plans, but somehow filled my day up quite well. The morning was consumed by baking for BK's Fort Worth team and hanging out with my sisters as they got ready for the baby shower coming on Saturday. I know you've seen them before, but just to reemphasize how good they are, here's another pic of what I made.
Cream cheese filled snicker doodles
Friday was a big day- Abbs' friend birthday at Van Grow Studios, Kilgore High School (BK's alma mater) played in the football state championships, and we had the M extended family Christmas.

My sister asked if I could help her out by making rice crispy treat "paint brush" party favors for Abbs' party. Of course, as one who bakes often, I thought no big deal. They were a complete pain- don't do it if someone asks. There's really not even any real baking involved. I'd do it again for them, but it was quite the process Thursday night and Friday morning. I told CMH that I hoped those two-year-olds enjoyed the crap out of these rice crispy treats!

The "paint" drying on rice crispies
Finished product
The birthday girl painting
We went to the football game at Cowboys stadium. Kilgore lost, so nothing exciting to report there, outside of some outstanding people watching. That night my dad's family came to our house for our yearly dinner and gift exchange.

Saturday was also a big day- Baby K's baby shower! The theme was Traveling Tot, which was really cute, and I was very thankful to have many family members and friends come to celebrate our upcoming addition. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures as of yet. I did take my camera, but was too busy socializing and being the center of attention to take any of my own. More to report on that later.

It also happened to be this guy's (LJ) first birthday that day. Yes, he and Abbs are approximately 360 days apart from one another.

The next morning we lit the advent candle with my mom.

Then celebrated both Abbs and LJ's birthdays at home.

In the meantime, BK and I started celebrating our own Christmas together by starting to open presents. TR said that we seem to think that we celebrate Hanukah, as we open presents from one another for about five days before Christmas actually gets here. Here was one of BK's to me- he wraps his own and must have liked this one, as he took this picture of it before I opened it.

I had lunch with some great friends on Monday, and did some sewing with my mom on Baby K's bedding. When BK and I get done with her room I'll post pics of the bedding- it's black, cream and purple (surprise, surprise).

That brought us to Christmas Eve on Tuesday, when we celebrate Christmas with my family. Here's a good one of mom and the babies before Christmas lunch.

Wow! That's only the first week we were there. As this is starting to feel like my longest blog post ever, I'm going to break this one up and tell you about our second week in the next post.

Now you can see how our holidays were quite the whirlwind, but I wouldn't have done it any differently and loved every minute of it, as I hope you did with yours as well!

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