Monday, January 6, 2014

Four days back and still fighting jet lag!

Ugh…jet lag is killing me this time around, so I need to warn you this may be a completely random blog post. I need to post about our Christmas trip to the US, as tons of stuff happened while we were there, but I'm just tired and haven't quite put it together yet.

I sort of expected it, as it has gotten harder to adjust back to this timezone as pregnancy progresses, but I was really excited when our first day back (Friday) passed and I wasn't acting completely crazy.

Friday was spent with BK at work and me unpacking the eight suitcases we brought back with us. Yikes! Eight suitcases! I think I can effectively say that our days of traveling light might be over. As a disclaimer, we did have a baby shower and had a ton of stuff to bring back this time.

Tanner is also pretty sure that everything we brought back is for him.

BK and I were surprisingly productive this weekend, despite being a bit off from traveling. Saturday we rented a Mobility car again and ventured out to Ikea. It was a madhouse, but we braved the crowds and got what we needed for the wardrobe conversion in Baby K's room and ordered the crib. The wardrobe used to have shoe racks in it with storage on the side that is covered. We put in drawers and shelves that will serve as a changing table and put some additional drawers on the skinny side. Now comes my part- putting everything that we brought back from the US.

Regarding jet lag, I should have knocked on wood or something because today was rough. It's pretty much guaranteed that  I will wake up around 2:30am and not be able to go back to sleep until the time when I'm supposed to be waking up. This morning it was 3:30am, and I wasn't able to go back to sleep until around 9am- not good. And yes, I totally have a fear of Baby K not sleeping and me being a zombie.

On a happier note, right before I left to come to the US I made Cream Cheese-Filled Snicker Doodles for the neighbors and included one of our Christmas cards. I'm happy to report back that the neighbors seemed to really appreciate them. We had a bottle of wine from one and a baby gift from another waiting for us when we got back, and last night one stopped by with baked goods and tonight a different one came by to introduce herself and say thanks. Pretty cool! My cookies are bringing people together :)

I also embarked on a new dish for dinner tonight- Mini Chicken Pot Pies. I've been craving cozy food since we got back and this sounded good tonight. And since BK's working late, this was a good night to try something new. They turned out well, and I would definitely recommend this recipe. I made Cream of Mushroom Condensed Soup for the recipe and instead of biscuits used dough that you roll out, which also worked really well. Yum! They were fairly quick and make for an easy dinner.

That's all for tonight. Now I just need to decide if I have the energy to do anything else productive. Hopefully I'll sleep better tonight and be back tomorrow with more.

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