Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Let the learning begin!

Ah yes, it's time once again to get going with German. I took an intensive course (three hours a day, five days a week) during the summer which got me started with things, but couldn't continue until now due to all of the traveling we were doing. Yes, I know, it's a hard life I lead.

Through the intensive course I completed levels A1 and A2, and now I have moved on to a semi-intensive course, which is a little bit of review from level A2 and then moves into B1. They say after you finish B1 you should pretty much be able to carry on any conversation in German. The only downside for me is that in Switzerland they speak Swiss-German, so they're going to have to slow it down a bit and switch into high German.

This morning was the first morning of class, and of course, I loved it. If I'm not involved in some kind of learning or structured personal/professional development of some kind, I sort of forget how much I like it. I was also very happy with how much I knew, especially considering how much I doubt myself when people are firing off an entire conversation in Swiss-German.

I will say, the pups and I are back to early morning walks- we're up and out by around 6:30 so that we can walk for an hour. As I've mentioned before, the fact that it doesn't get light until around 8:00, and add to it that it's cold and rainy right now makes it a little difficult to get out of bed. When outside looks like this, it's hard to get excited about going outside.
Ultimately though, it results in this:
Meaning that I can go to school, to the store and pretty much do anything I want or need to without having to worry about two wild weenie dogs terrorizing the neighbors with their barks. They don't so much appreciate the raincoats right now, but they'll live. Hopefully it won't be such gross weather for too long and we can get out without all of our gear.

That's all for now. I'm off into to the kitchen to make some sweet treats for our friends who watched the boys this weekend while BK and I went to Zurich. I'll update you on my adventures in baking soon!

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