Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy 2014!

Happy 2014! I'm a couple of days late on this post, but the first was spent packing a crazy amount of stuff to bring back to Switzerland, the second was spent traveling and now we're at the end of the third day, which has been a hard recovery day from all the traveling. Such is the life of living abroad…

2014 promises to be an exciting year for BK and I, as we welcome Baby K sometime this spring. Even though we have this life-changer approaching quickly, BK and I still have some other resolutions and goals for the year. I never really know how I feel about New Year's Resolutions. Part of me thinks that if you have a goal or want to change something, you should just do it. But on the other hand, the beginning of a new year obviously gives you a clean slate to start something new. I think it also provides a good time to reflect on where you are and what you want to do. About this time last year, BK and I started talking about the possibility of having a family together and look where we are now :)

So, here we go…my New Year's Resolutions for 2014!
~ Expand our network in Basel (i.e. make more friends)
~ Improve my German
~ Volunteer my time in Basel somehow
~ Continue a healthy and active lifestyle
~ Continue traveling and exploring new places

I would add "Become a Mom" to this list, but it seems kind of obvious to me. The other questionable one I have is to complete the Basel half-marathon. I really want to do this before we leave Basel. It's held at the end of September, but as I've never done the whole giving birth thing, I'm just not sure how feasible this goal is in regard to recovery time and being a new mom. We'll see- it's on the radar and will be done if possible. Maybe I'll do one in Dallas in December if that one doesn't work out.

BK has resolutions of his own, but you can ask him about those if you're curious. I'll be back tomorrow with an update on our Christmas vacation. To say it was busy would be an serious understatement!

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