Sunday, January 12, 2014

Christmas craziness (Part II)

The second part of Christmas was just as packed as the first half. Our tradition at Christmas is to do Christmas Eve, until around 9, with my family, then drive to East Texas so that we can wake up there on Christmas morning with BK's family. Most people think the driving at night part seems really hard, but I just can't bring myself to trade off years or switch between Christmas and Thanksgiving or some other arrangement like that.

I have a lot of guilt about the fact that I don't have nearly as many pictures of the second half of Christmas as the first, and I literally have no evidence that we even went to Arkansas. Ugh! Usually I'm the family photographer; not sure what happened this year.

We spent Christmas day like most others do, seeing what Santa brought the kids, opening gifts from one another and eating. Luckily we got to spend lots of time with these guys!
BK and I were recruited to put some toys together too. BK put these doll bunk beds together for HG. He questioned how he ended up with the task. I told him he was getting to practice for future toys that needed to be put together for Baby K some day.
Somehow I was roped into helping Hud put together lego figures. BK and I gave him Ninja Turtle legos for Christmas, but before getting them I hadn't considered how hard they would be to put together. Hud and I were able to put together the tiny car in the picture below and in that same time BK came over and put the big car together. I seriously had to follow the directions step by step to get the thing done; it seemed to come much easier to BK- maybe from childhood experience with these things? Hud and I then put together one leg of a lego Samurai…and that's as far as we made it. We returned to that project a few days later.

After Christmas BK and I, along with his sister and her boyfriend, headed to Arkansas to see BK's extended family. We hit Camden and Magnolia; saw aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents; played Wait-A-Minute; and enjoyed catching up and spending time with family. After that whirlwind of a visit, we made our annual trip to/stop at Superior Bar and Grill in Shreveport to meet the rest of BK's family for dinner.
We caught a movie the next day before leaving East Texas and then headed back to Fort Worth in time to catch Robert Earl Keen's Merry Christmas from the Fam-O-Lee concert at Bass Hall. I would highly recommend the concert- it's a fun way to end the Christmas season.

BK joined UCC the next morning and he and I spent the day watching playoff games…he, more than I, as I took the iPad and my magazine to keep me occupied. I swear it seems like the next couple of days were spent getting some of the big stuff off the registry, washing baby clothes and bedding, and trying to figure out how in the world we were going to get all of the stuff back to Switzerland.

We spent New Year's with some great friends and enjoyed dinner at Michael's in Fort Worth, then met BK's sister downtown to ring in midnight. As much of a party animal as I am right now, BK and headed home not too long after that.
I know I've posted it on the blog before, but it still gets me. The next day was spent packing to come back to Switzerland, where somehow we got nearly everything baby-related back in approximately eight suitcases!

I'm here for quite a while now. No more air travel for me and Baby K until after she arrives, but BK and I will be embarking on some train travel before she makes her arrival. I'll keep you updated on where we're headed to next!

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