Monday, July 8, 2013

An early bedtime

For some reason I cannot seem to get myself in bed before 11 or 11:30. So here it is, now 10:30 (after taking the dogs out and finishing this post after 11) and I'm waiting for my last batch of cookies to come out of the oven. It won't be long, but I cannot figure out how I get to this point every night. BK and I are constantly saying that we're going to go bed earlier. Then every night it ends up around the same time. It gets dark here around 10:00, and when it's still light outside the time doesn't even cross my mind.

On a different note, I seem to be making up for the couple of months that I was not able to bake. I think I got a little scared after having a baking fail the first time I tried it in Basel, but now I am back on track and trying all kinds of Pintrest recipes. Tonight it was Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies. I thought it would be a good way to celebrate the completion of the first part of German class.

Since I need to make this quick, here are a couple of random tidbits from my life:

  • I am totally jealous of BK being in US right now, but only because he had dinner with my family last night and is having dinner with his family tonight. At least I got to FaceTime with Abbs.
  • It irritates me that I cannot get my oven to cook evenly. The cookies at the back of the oven cook more than the ones at the front. Maybe I need to lower the temperature? I have the setting selected that rotates the air all around, which I thought meant more even cooking.
  • I'm walking the dogs with my friend AH tomorrow morning. We're multitasking during the walk- I'm bringing my German flashcards and she's quizzing me (she says it will help her learn too).
  • I have taken to dipping Tanner in fountains around the city when we're on our afternoon and evening walks. Sometimes he seems really hot (tongue hanging out, walking very slow), so I thought this was a good solution. Tonight I saw people swimming in one of the fountains, so I figure a little brown dog can't do much harm. I have also been letting Toby swim in the ones that are close to the ground. He jumps right in, paddles around, then we continue on our walk.
  • I seem to spill something at least once a day. Today it was the tea that I had just made. I think it's because before departing for the grocery store today I thought to myself. "I have a whole roll of paper towels, there's no way I'll use all of those before tomorrow." I haven't used them all, but I can typically figure out a way to use quite a few of them. 
  • I also mention the paper towels above because it's not cheap to fill up your trash bags. I bought another roll of 20 bags today for a mere 35 CHF. Yes, it's expensive. I've never maximized space in a garbage bag the way I do here.
  • Only one more week until K&B arrive in Basel!
I feel like I end every post like this, but I'm off to bed now. Hopefully at some I'll start blogging earlier in the day :)

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