Friday, July 19, 2013

Unexpected regular days

For some reason I have no clue what to blog about today, but I feel the need to blog since I skipped yesterday. You would think that I would have tons to talk about with the M's being here, but honestly, BK and I have had to kind of go about our regular life since they got here. We'll be gone all week next week, meaning that BK needs to work and I need to continue in language school.

I consider this to be the relaxing part of K&B's vacation, as they have time to start the day when they want, pick and choose what they would like to do and take their time at things. Maybe, in theory, this is how the rest of the vacation should be, but I'm not sure it will. Tomorrow we catch a 9:00 train to head to Luzern for the day, then are headed out to Venice, Vienna and Salzburg for the rest of the week.

Today K&B went to Zurich for the day and really seemed to enjoy themselves. We had a great dinner at Acqua and then visited Bar Rouge briefly. Bar Rouge is the highest spot in Basel, and was the highest in Switzerland until recently when someone in Zurich built a building just a couple of floors higher. It's quite clubby, but worth going for the view of the city. Here are a couple of pics from dinner.

I want to give some random tidbits of stuff that has happened over the past few days, but I'm really tired right now, so I'll have to save it for another day. We've been staying up late to visit together, then I've still been getting up at 6am to walk the pups. I'm pumped that I get to sleep in until 7:30 tomorrow since the boys are already at their holiday home. I'll make sure to report in on what kind of trouble we get into in Luzern tomorrow, then throughout the week in Venice, Vienna and Salzburg. Happy weekend to everyone!

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