Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Time to tidy up

It didn't take long, but tonight was the night I tidied up around the apartment before BK comes back home. It's never too bad. Like I've mentioned before, for me, chaotic house = chaotic life. I just tend to not clean the kitchen up immediately after every meal, not do laundry as often, let items that I buy sit unopened for a couple of days, and random things like that.

No big deal, but typically the night before he gets back I go about putting things back in order. Maybe it's also because with two of us in the apartment things get a little messier quicker. So if there's a mess when he comes back home, it will just be compounded by all the dirty clothes and random stuff he is bringing back from the US.

BK doesn't get back until Friday, but tomorrow after German class I'm headed to Geneva to meet up with some TCU folks from the Department of Social Work and Harris College, so I won't have time to do anything by the time I get back late tomorrow night. Friday morning I go to pick the boys up from the kennel right after German class as well, so that time is out as well. I like to come home to a clean house too, so it's not just about BK.

That's about it for today- nothing too exciting. The dogs and I did go on a 2.5 hour walk this afternoon that included swimming, chasing a squeaky ball, sniffing lots of other dogs and riding the tram part of the way home. If Toby was a human he would probably say it was one of his better days. Tanner just comes along where ever he's forced to go, although he seemed to enjoy the squeaky ball as well. He acts grumpy but I'm pretty sure it's for show most of the time.

Riding home- we were a long way away

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