Sunday, July 7, 2013

German class, you sure are a lot of work

Today was a somewhat lazy Sunday, with the exception of the fact that BK and I got up around 5am so that he could make a 7am flight to London, then back to the US. We left the house around 5:15, with dogs in tow of course, and walked to the bus stop to go to the airport. The boys and I then walked more in Basel to get our hour walk in for the morning. We returned home, I fed them, then we all went back to bed for a while. I also FaceTimed with TR before going to bed, as it was only 11pm Texas time.
It's surprisingly bright here at 5am
The rest of my day was spent picking up the house, walking the dogs, studying German and finalizing travel plans. Work on my German class has dominated my evening. The class found out last week that we will have a test on Tuesday over the first part of class. So, I've now gone into study mode, including flashcards and everything. I understand the sentence structure, so hopefully if I make sure I'm refreshed on verbs, and their conjugation, and nouns, including their gender, I'll be ok. The one thing I know we will have to do will be to write a postcard about visiting somewhere. The thing I need the most work on is the words for who, where, when, how, how much, whose, what and where from.

A number of people have asked what happens if I don't do well on the test. I'm really not sure, but I'm thinking positive and know that I'll do ok and be able to proceed.

I rewarded myself today by doing, what else, but planning travel and researching destinations. I finalized a couple of things for our trip with K&B (BK's sister and brother-in-law) to Venice, Vienna and Salzburg. I also researched a little bit more for our trip in September and made myself quite a hefty to-do list for this week. I like to keep busy and feel productive.

We'll be up early again tomorrow, so it's off to bed for now. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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