Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Do I fit in here?

Some days in Basel I seriously think I must look like an alien or something. Today is one of those days. I seem to be wearing far too much color for the locals' comfort. I mean, I have never been looked up and down in a disapproving way so many times. It's just strange.

My thing is, I don't even think I am all that colorful today. I have on navy shorts and floral shirt that has pinks, purples, blues and greens in it. I do have on a green belt, which may be what's throwing them for a loop? One lady looked at me so long this morning while waiting for the tram that I wondered if my zipper was down, a button was undone or a bird had pooped on me or something.

I probably also push the boundaries a bit with the backpack that I carry. It is khaki canvas with bright yellow accents. One of BK's coworkers even asked if we got it in Switzerland. No, BK brought it back from the states for me. He said he could tell. Not sure if that's a compliment or what. It didn't sound negative when he said it...

I've also been told I look very summery today. Well, it is July. I'm not sure what I'm "supposed" to look like, but I personally am fine with summery. There have definitely been worse things.

You can be sure of one thing: I will not be transitioning to a wardrobe full of blacks, grays, khakis and whites. Boring, and so not for me. People can stare all they want, but color brightens my day, and it's here to stay. Summer, fall, spring or winter, look for the bright little person walking down the street and you'll be able to spot me in Basel.

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