Friday, July 5, 2013

Cursing the Kombi

Well, I did it again. I forgot to put the drain for the washer/dryer into the bathtub. Ugghhh!

Last time this happened I just happened to be in the next room cleaning. Unfortunately, this time I was outside on the patio enjoying myself, oblivious to all the water that was being sprayed all over our bathroom and leaking into other rooms in our apartment.

I think I came in around the third rinse (and drain) and was able to quickly put the drain into the bathtub. I used every towel in our apartment and a couple of rolls of paper towels to clean up the water in the bathroom, toilet area and our bedroom. While I was cleaning I kept telling myself that "at least the floors were getting a good cleaning." The carpet in our entry way also got wet and is now still working on being dried.

Tonight at dinner someone suggested making a sign to remind myself to put the drain in the bathtub. BK suggested that we just keep it there all the time, with the exception of when we take showers. Whatever we decide, let's hope that this doesn't happen too many more times. I'm just happy that the downstairs neighbors aren't asking if something overflowed.

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