Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How many steps count when you have four legs?

As you may have read a few days ago, I ordered a FitBug pedometer and had it shipped to my parents house for BK to bring back to me when he returned from the US. It seems that lots of people have them over here, and I can see why. You walk your behind off. Even if I don't walk to the grocery store itself, I at least have to walk to the bus or tram stop that gets me closer, then probably walk from there.

Since I've been tracking I've walked:

  • Saturday: 26,500
  • Sunday: 17,000
  • Monday: 24,500
  • Today: 30,000+
Of course, my walking includes three walks per day with the boys (I was one light on Sunday due to sleeping late). I have no clue how many steps the boys walk with their four legs, but they are pooped by the end of the day. That's the goal though, to tire them out so that BK and I can have a night out or whatever we want. 

Usually our evening walk ends by picking BK up from work. BK walks to work from our apartment every day, so we just make sure we pick a route that incorporates that in. Here are the boys waiting for BK to finish work yesterday. They've actually gotten pretty good at just hanging out when we need to make a stop.

I'll keep the blog updated with the step status. One of my friends, AH, just reach her one-millionth step since she got to Basel at the end of May. Mine will be coming soon!

On another, completely unrelated note, the Marcotts have arrived in Europe! I'm excited to go meet them at the train station tomorrow when they arrive from Frankfurt!!

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