Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Get well brown dog!

As I've mentioned before, we often refer to Tanner as "the brown dog" and to Toby as "the fluffy dog". I have no clue why we started calling them these nicknames, but they get referred to often. With that said, the brown dog really needs to get well.

Tanner has been sick quite a bit since we moved over here- not the whole time, just episodes. I won't go into the gory details, but lately my sleep has been interrupted by him needing to go outside numerous times throughout the night, even leading me lately to sleep in all of my clothes so I can just hop out of bed and go. The other alternative is waking up to an apartment that smells terrible or a dog who is hurling.

Yes, it's totally gross. I've about had it with picking up after him. Not the greatest way to start the morning. It makes for a not-so-happy LK.

We have also been to the vet more times in the three months that we've lived here than over the course of five years in Texas. Today we made yet another trip there. The vet has no idea what's wrong with him, nor do I. His food hasn't been changed, he hasn't eaten anything weird, and on and on with the usual questions. So, just like the times before he got an antibiotic shot and instructions to continue with medicine and that should solve things. He's now also on a sensitive stomach diet. Of course when we were at the vet Tanner was excitedly jumping up for treats and barking at the vet, coming off as feeling much better than he portrays at home.

As I haven't had a full night's sleep in a few days, I'm off to bed. Fingers crossed that Tanner sleeps through the night.

P.S.- I know I have some new-mom-friends who are probably rolling their eyes at this blog. I realize it's not like dealing with a kid. Hopefully I was able to provide you with some easy reading for that 3am feeding :)

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