Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The kitchen must be destroyed!

I feel certain this is what BK must think when I bake. Not to mention when I cook dinner, then bake on top of that. AND the fact that our Swiss kitchen is much smaller than our US kitchen. Yikes!

I cooked dinner tonight then decided that I was going to bake. It was somewhat challenging because I did not have my favorite appliance- my KitchenAid mixer. So, in addition to cooking dinner and baking, I also got a great arm workout. For the record, I did bring my mixer, but we did not buy the right kind of converter (yet). I have to say, bakers back in the day must have had some great arm strength- maybe it helped counteract all of the dough, icing and other sweet treats they ate (I speak from experience).
My favorite kitchen appliance
After pretty much obliterating our tiny kitchen by pulling out various pans, lots of kitchen utensils, filling up the sink, chilling cookies in the fridge before cooking and sprinkling flour everywhere, all did turn out well. I made Cream Cheese Filled Snickerdoodles. I'm excited to take them to German class tomorrow and to send some to BK's team. They had rave reviews from his team in Fort Worth...let's see how this one goes!

Cream cheese filled snickerdoodles

1 comment:

  1. I can relate! Even preparing the simplest of meals turns my galley into a disaster zone. If I'm trying to prep ingredients for several future meals at a time...well, Shannan knows to steer clear until I have it all cleaned up!

    And, how well I remember your baking!
